Thursday, January 3, 2013

Restitution and apologies seem to go much further in paying for a crime then going to jail. (unless you are violent).
Thought of the day: What came first the town of the sheriff?

Monday, June 18, 2012

the pawn store

I have always enjoyed going into pawn stores. Especially now that have watched a lot of Pawn Stars I realize that there really is an art to the whole store. A couple of days ago I went to one in the area and haggled for some Silver coins. The experience was quite enjoyable and at the end of it all I had what I wanted at a price that was very reasonable. Next time though I will low ball even more and I still want some silver dimes.

Deep insight...

I do enjoy politics and talking about it. However I find that most people get so wrapped around the axle that they could never see another view point. Granted I am some what like that I can tell you that I have heard some deep insights.

At the end of the day, who will be there for you the government, an insurance company or your family?

Can one man really save a country?

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Arguing with people

It's one thing I realize more and more, it doesn't matter what one says. It is almost impossible to change ones mind once that person has rejected all other points of view.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


There are many lessons that one has to learn over the course of their life. This generally includes things like when to say something and when to be quiet. I tend to try to stay on the quiet side, even when I probably should say something.

Friday, November 11, 2011


"Declaring war on terrorism following 9/11 is like declaring war on dive bombers right after Pearl Harbor."