Sunday, June 13, 2010

Nourashing traditions and such

Recently my wife and I have started to read the book nourishing traditions and taking recipes out of it. So far this is the start of Ginger beer. It takes 1 1/2 cups of water, 2 tbs of ground ginger and 2 tbs of white sugar. Here is the start, in about a month we will find out how it all goes.

The last couple of weeks

The last couple of weeks my wife and I have been growing peppers and tomatoes. More pepper then tomatoes, cause most of the tomatoes decided to do die. I am also growing Parsley and Basil, although the Basil is more for myself. The plants are growing well even though there is not alot of sunlight on my porch.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Baking and my shots at it

It's funny I have rarely if ever baked and in the last week I have done it twice. I cook a pan of brownies which turned out awesomely, sure it was out of a packet but hey there plenty of people who could and would botch this. Check out the photo of my awesome Duncan Hines brownies!
The second baking I did was a chicken, which I salted, peppered and stuffed with 2 lemons which I didn't cut. I rubbed salt and pepper on the inside and it was delicious! My wife was seriously impressed and that takes a lot to do.