Monday, October 26, 2009

Something about 90's rock....

It's funny that I grew up with listening to 50's and 60's rock music...such as the Beatles, Elvis, the Monkeys, Beach Boys, Aretha Franklin (not so much rock) and alot of classic music. My parents took it upon themselves to help us (my siblings and I) for away from modern music. It is still amazing that I ever got into modern music but when I did I hit it with a vengeance. Here is how it all happened:

I had a friend named Chris Mcpherson who got me into the Band Aerosmith and the song Crazy, Love in an elevator and Living on the Edge well sucked me right in. I guess that after that it was on to more conventional rock of the 90's....Green Day, Oasis, Silver Chair, Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Toadies, Filter, Ministry and the list goes on.

Like all other teenagers I would write the names of bands on my back pack and be all sneaky and listen to it in the car and my home radio when my parents weren't around. Anywayz that leads me into today 2009....I was browsing some youtube videos of the top then 90's videos...I hae soem very huge issues with their list and that is that they have a list. Lets be real the music for the most part wasn't abotu top ten but more about the emotion behind it.

Most of us would say that the song by Celine Dione " My Heart will go on" is a crappy song however it does invoke an emotion and some good memories. Same for the song by Santana you know the one with Rob (can't remember his last name) from Match bok 20. Yeah the song was beaten to death but seriously those were the 90's.

In the next post I am going to make a list of songs that weren't so much top 10 or 20 songs but songs that epitomized the 90's. Starting with:

Monday, October 19, 2009

People of Walmart

The other day my wife showed me a great website known as people of walmart. This is a website dedicated to the people that come into walmart and how they look. Here is the link: . I think that some of the photos are faked but then again I don't know, however these people are found every where not just in Northern Virginia which is what I used to think. They are every where. But then again these are the people that are the spice of the world...or the salt of the earth??? Not sure any ways enjoy the craziness.

the rather crazy glow worm

My son is about a year old and he gets lots and lots of toys from his immediate relatives. He is the first grandchild/great grandchild so that means that he gets lotsa lovin'. Here is one of the toys he got, I thought that it was a little frightening to see an insect's face light up. See what you think:

east coast, d.c. and politics

What's always amazed me is the amount of political trivia or knowledge I have in comparison to others. It's not that I am smarter or wiser then others but much more likely that I obsess about these types of things. I read alot of posts from the Drudge Report, CNN and Yahoo news which takes up quite a bit of time. This is good cause my job requires me to sit for long periods of time with not alot to do. However when I open my mouth to others about the world I cease to be amazed by the amount of apathy or not caring about what is going on in the world. This has taught me a number of things.

1. Don't bring up politics, everyone has their own view and for the most part people don't care.
2. Apathy seems to drive alot of people to seek out entertainment in other places.
3. Popular opinion drives the media...i.e. global warming, war in the middle east/afghanistan, the current president, and the list goes on.
4. Yesterdays news is yesterdays news.
5. History doesn't seem to matter when talking about anything or checking the facts...people seem to spout of at the mouth.

There are many more things I could get into but won't. While I love politics and world events I have decided to regulate it to my mind and only mulling it around in there.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

My old blog...which is more of a diary

I just found my old blog and I realized that I had an old yeah I am adding a link to this one so if anyone is interested they can read it.

Tomorrow is back to work. yeah!

VIA the new instant coffee from Star Bucks

I went to the Star Bucks to try out the new VIA coffee and drinking it at the Star Bucks wasn't so bad except the VIA tasted like the way that burnt coffee from Star Bucks would taste. However when I made it at it was actually kind tasty and my wife actually drank it with out flipping out about the difference between instant and regular. She was lecturing me about the superiority of regular drip coffee.