Monday, October 26, 2009

Something about 90's rock....

It's funny that I grew up with listening to 50's and 60's rock music...such as the Beatles, Elvis, the Monkeys, Beach Boys, Aretha Franklin (not so much rock) and alot of classic music. My parents took it upon themselves to help us (my siblings and I) for away from modern music. It is still amazing that I ever got into modern music but when I did I hit it with a vengeance. Here is how it all happened:

I had a friend named Chris Mcpherson who got me into the Band Aerosmith and the song Crazy, Love in an elevator and Living on the Edge well sucked me right in. I guess that after that it was on to more conventional rock of the 90's....Green Day, Oasis, Silver Chair, Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Toadies, Filter, Ministry and the list goes on.

Like all other teenagers I would write the names of bands on my back pack and be all sneaky and listen to it in the car and my home radio when my parents weren't around. Anywayz that leads me into today 2009....I was browsing some youtube videos of the top then 90's videos...I hae soem very huge issues with their list and that is that they have a list. Lets be real the music for the most part wasn't abotu top ten but more about the emotion behind it.

Most of us would say that the song by Celine Dione " My Heart will go on" is a crappy song however it does invoke an emotion and some good memories. Same for the song by Santana you know the one with Rob (can't remember his last name) from Match bok 20. Yeah the song was beaten to death but seriously those were the 90's.

In the next post I am going to make a list of songs that weren't so much top 10 or 20 songs but songs that epitomized the 90's. Starting with:

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