Monday, October 19, 2009

east coast, d.c. and politics

What's always amazed me is the amount of political trivia or knowledge I have in comparison to others. It's not that I am smarter or wiser then others but much more likely that I obsess about these types of things. I read alot of posts from the Drudge Report, CNN and Yahoo news which takes up quite a bit of time. This is good cause my job requires me to sit for long periods of time with not alot to do. However when I open my mouth to others about the world I cease to be amazed by the amount of apathy or not caring about what is going on in the world. This has taught me a number of things.

1. Don't bring up politics, everyone has their own view and for the most part people don't care.
2. Apathy seems to drive alot of people to seek out entertainment in other places.
3. Popular opinion drives the media...i.e. global warming, war in the middle east/afghanistan, the current president, and the list goes on.
4. Yesterdays news is yesterdays news.
5. History doesn't seem to matter when talking about anything or checking the facts...people seem to spout of at the mouth.

There are many more things I could get into but won't. While I love politics and world events I have decided to regulate it to my mind and only mulling it around in there.

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