I am impressed with how long this "recession" keeps on going. It is interesting how people just feel down about everything as though it will never end. I know it will end, one day. By nature I am optimistic and there for hope does spring eternal in me. Although it was interesting what my buddy at work said, roughly 10 percent of the US population is in jail. Could you imagine if these people flooded the market? That 10 percent is out of the market, they would also probably have a heard time finding a job due to their criminal history, the you factor in the 10 percent who are already unemployed, the 15 percent who are either dropping out of the market or are underemployed. Those are staggering numbers!!!
Also the awesome website: http://www.oftwominds.com (01sept2010)pointed out that one of biggest problems right now that is facing young people entering the market is that many of the baby boomers are not retiring. This is largely due to their 401k's taking a massive hit in the last 2 years and their houses aren't worth as much as they were and afcourse they have gigantic mortgages. This means that many of the BB's will work for another 5-10 years so when they would have retired at 65 as the market should dictate they are now getting out at 70 - 75, meaning that the class of 2010 wont have those jobs available to them.
I would like to say there is more positive news, right now there is not.
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