Monday, September 13, 2010

the leading up to the recession

It is really is amazing sometimes the nuggets of wisdom you can glean from the commentary of an article, here is a great commentary on how the recession happened. I don't necessarily agree with this piece of writing however it is pretty en lighting.

This is what happened to America

What Greenspan, Bernanke, most economists, Bush & Obama Administrations, Fed and Wall Street didn't see coming and still can’t see is American labor and wages have been "debased." The Neoconservatives, Republican Congresses, a few stupid Democrats and Regan & Bush Administrations for years changed existing laws, legislated tax breaks for corporations and the Elitist top 1% of Americans at the expense of the other 99%. Couple this with a catalyst such as the collapse of the mortgage banking industry & housing prices, a liquidity crisis and pending credit card catastrophe. Then add in years of Union busting, GAAT (Uruguay Round - 1986-1993), NAFTA, CAFTA, Vietnamese, Central America and other Trade agreements, hundreds of thousands of H1-B & L-1 work visas, years of outsourcing jobs to 3rd world countries and open borders all which help eliminate the higher paying jobs, pensions and benefits for a majority of Americans. This was the foundation our economy was built on and now it's gone. The huge amount of spendable income/benefits these high paying jobs formerly supplied America and the World Economy has disappeared... gone forever. Resulting in a gigantic transfer of wealth from average Americans to the World’s Elitist top 1% and coffers of Corporate America.

America and many of the World economies are now headed towards a depression. Many European countries will exit the depression years before America do to economies based upon higher paying manufacturing jobs providing pensions, social programs and other benefits for their citizens. Unfortunately the Neoconservatives, Republicans, Elitist top 1% and Wall Street outsourced American Industry to 3rd world countries. Therefore, American will spend years rebuilding its "former" self. Its industrial based economy that for sixty plus years provided most Americans with a high standard of living, benefits and plenty of excess cash to spend “buying 30% of the worlds manufactured products.”

The above listed events, most occurred under Greenspand and his understudy Bernanke, have now placed America on the road to bankruptcy with the largest national debt, and growing, in the history of the free World. America's new Service Industry based economy with its low paying jobs, no pensions or benefits will turn this recession into a depression... lasting years.

The Neoconservative Bush Administration for years cooked the books concerning GDP, employment, inflation and other numbers released monthly by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and now Obama carries forward the same practice. So America’s real inflation has been double digit for several years, unemployment 6.5% higher than it actually is and the GDP has been minus for 3 or 4 years. What do these errors mean to the US Economy… it’s “totally screwed?” Plus the Bush and Obama Administrations gave control of the US Government to Wall Street and investment banking… and then gave them $12.5 trillion of the taxpayer’s money with an opened ended commitment to do and pay anything they want. Both Administrations allowed investment banks and other big corporations to privatize profits and socialize losses… which in the end will destroy the US Economy.

During this period of change American Corporations were allowed to bank roll US Elections via special PAC groups. In a February 2010 decision the Roberts led US Supreme Court allowed Corporate Globalization of the US Election System and foreigners to vote by proxy with unlimited amounts of dollars to influence the outcome of American elections. The US Government now belongs to International Corporations and Congress to K-Street not its pseudo voter’s or population. It’s not a Democracy that rules… its Fascism… a “World Corporatism” as America’s been sold to the highest bidder.

As Hitler did during World War II, the Bush Administration utilized "Authoritarian Rule" and the "big lie theory"... the bigger the lie the more likely people will believe it and the Obama Administration carries foreword the same practice.

The American Economy was "debased" while our political system went from Democracy to Corporatism, that’s “Fascism” folks. Remember, the hedge fund, mortgage and banking liquidity crisis, soon to be a solvency crisis, is just a "catalyst".

Wake up people the Elitist run World Banks, Investment Banking, Federal Reserve and Neocon-Republicans make the mafia look like a bunch of boy scouts.

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